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Honest Scrap Award

A few weeks ago, Carrie from Sunday Book Club awarded my little blog with the Honest Scrap.

So what does this mean?

To accept the Honest Scrap, I must first list 10 things you may find interesting about me. This meets the honesty portion. Then I nominate 7 other bloggers with the award so they get to do the same thing.

And away we go..!

1. I want to have a little red-headed girl. Ok, maybe this is a bit narcissistic. I mean I was a little red-headed girl. But doesn’t every woman want to have a little girl in their heart of hearts? A little “mini-me” of sorts?? That’s what I’m longing for. I just think little red-headed children are ahhhhh-dorable. So unique. Redheads are going extinct. I feel it my duty to try to re-populate this dwindling population. I think my chances are pretty good: I am strawberry blonde and my mother has auburn hair.

2. I still like to eat baby food. I’m sorry if you just threw up. I’m not weird, I promise. Although all the kids thought I was weird in 5th grade when I would pull out “vanilla custard” baby food from my lunch bag. I don’t eat the mixed vegetables or chicken or turkey or anything like that. BUT…I really like the fruit and especially the vanilla custard.

3. I hate needles. I know…I know. Most people do not enjoy having a needle plunged into their skin whether it be for a shot or to have all their blood sucked out of their veins. But REALLY…I hate needles. As in “after having one vile of blood taken my mom gets concerned because I have suddenly gone ghostly white.” The irony of all of this is that I have close to $5000.00 worth of artwork on my body. One piece took EIGHTEEN HOURS (over the course of 18 months) from start to finish. The tattoo needle and the blood work needle are totally different kinds of pain. My motto is that I only like needles if they make something pretty.

4. I do not like watching movies. I think I am probably the only person who doesn’t like movies in the entire world. It’s not that I don’t ever enjoy watching a movie, I would just rather be doing something much more active. I’d rather be outside, or at the gym or doing something creative and productive. There was a guy in college who told me years later that he was going to ask me out and right before he did I somehow announced in a conversation my hate for watching movies. There was no date. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think movies are bad…I would just rather be doing something else. I’ve made it a goal to watch 10 new movies this year, and so far I have seen 5!!

5. I love traveling alone. I went to Australia for 2 weeks by myself last year. Before that I had visited Hawaii every year for the past 4 years by myself. Some people find it quite odd. I find it probably one of my favorite things ever. It’s just so freeing. No agenda except what I want to do when I want to do it. Sure, I do enjoy traveling with others…but there’s just something so magical for me in seeing the world by myself. Going to Australia last year was probably my favorite vacation I’ve ever taken. I feel like this is something I’m going to have to give up when I get married and this makes me very very sad. Not because I don’t want to travel with said future husband, but I love the thrill and adventure and independence of venturing off on my own.

6. I am a little bit obsessed with show choir. Choir was my thing in high school. I was in Chamber Singers all four years. Sophomore year I embarked on a journey that would change my life, really. I made it into show choir. Dancing. Singing. Curled hair. Sparkly outfits. Dramatic Makeup. Glitter! Do you even know me at all?? I was pretty much in heaven. I was the Rachel (from Glee) of our show choir. In a “you guys need to get your choreography perfect and take this show choir more seriously and wear curlers in your hair for eighteen hours straight even if it means walking around in them all day during school” way. I have always been somewhat more shy and reserved. But..I LOVE to perform. When I was up on that stage I was a different person. I put my all into it, felt the adrenaline rush and truly came alive. When I watch Glee I kinda sorta fantasize about going back to school and getting a music degree so that I can have my own little show choir.

7. I have an impeccable memory. Seriously. My first kiss ever was on May 27, 1997. My next kiss was September 15, 1999. I started dating the second guy I kissed (Such a floozy am I! Kissing before commitment…I have since learned…!) on September 22, 1999. My friend Kayle’s birthday is March 29. His daughter’s birthdays are January 29 and March 31. I wore a red fishnet shirt, black pants, black guitar pick earrings with skulls on them, a black bandana with red skulls on it and red eyeshadow on June 30, 2006 when I got tattooed. I saw a movie with a friend in July 2007 and he ate Vicky’s jalapeno potato chips from Quizno’s. Get the gist?! Needless to say I did really well on tests in college.

8. I was named after my dad. His name is Frederick. My parents took the last 5 letters of his name “erick” and added an “a”. And voile! Ericka Paige.< At this very moment my spell check is trying to say I misspelled my named…no it’s NOT Erica or Erika Mr. Spellchecker>. I’m really close with my dad, so it is very fitting that I’m named after him. My mom claims I have preferred him since I was born. What can I say? He’s pretty much the best man EVER.

9. I loved having braces. If you haven’t figured this out already, I’m a little bit “out if the box” shall we say. Both my brothers had braces and I was really hoping I would get to wear some! I just thought they were so cool ( still do…). When I was 15 I got them! I loved being able to change my rubber band colors. Not so much the really bad achy mouth parts…but for the most part I was stoked! I even had people tell me that I was one of the few people they thought looked “good” with braces! Weeeeeee! And I only had to wear them 363 days. My freshman year in college I briefly considered becoming an orthodontist.

10. I was a cheerleader in high school. Just for one year. Senior year. The entire squad had pretty much been together since freshman year. My best friend and I decided to try out, but it was TOP SECRET information because well…all the current cheerleaders were popular kids and we were….er…uh…not. We both ended up making the team and were affectionately referred to as “The New Girls” FOR.THE.ENTIRE.YEAR. Yeah, we never quite mixed well with all of them. It was a fun experience tho. But not something I like to tell a lot of people now because the me now hates the 17 year old me that wanted to be a cheerleader. It just seems so entirely not me.


Here are my nominees:

Get er’ done, son

A new beginning

Lori Jo



I know it’s not 7…but that’s all I got.

Get to writing!!